How to check the shutter count, power up count and strobe count for Panasonic Lumix DMC GX1


Check the Shutter Count, Power Up Count and No. of Flash fired for Panasonic Lumix DMC GX1,
  1. press combination [ Fn2(AF/AE LOCK) ], [ DISP ] and [ RIGHT KEY ] and POWER ON the camera. 
  2. select "Rom Backup" from menu, press combination [ Fn2(AF/AE LOCK) ], [ MENU/SET ] and [ LEFT KEY ] two (2) times.

GX1 如何查看快門數、開機次數和閃光燈次數

  1. 關機狀態下按住FN2(AF/AE LOCK)、DISP和WB這三個鍵,然後開機,
  2. 如果成功,在設置菜單的格式化選項上面就會多出一個叫「ROM BACKUP」的菜單,
  3. 選定這個菜單,按住MENU/SET鍵的同時按下左方向(AF MODE)鍵和FN2(AF/AE LOCK)鍵兩次,
  4. 就看到開機次數、快門數和閃光燈使用次數的統計啦。查看完以後直接關機。

PWRCNT= power up count
SHTCNT = shutter count
STBCNT=strobe count

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